settings. this proxy is for getting 3g speed on 2g plans. so you should activate a 2g plan on your airtel mobile or modem before trying this trick. this trick is found working in kerala. it may work in other places too. so just give it a try. if you are already an airtel 2g subcriber with 2g activated on your phones just try this. modems users suffering from fair usage policy speed cut can also try this hack. this trick worked in kerala for airtel usb modem also. so hope for the best and try this latest free 3g trick on your airtel
airtel free 3g trick settings
- create a new apn settings
- access point :
- proxy :
- port : 80
- and home page :
so thats all friends try it an please post your comments, please mention your location in the comments. so we could know in which states the trick is still working. if this worked for you please share it with your friends. and thanks for reading